Vision Zero Quiz #15

Jasper and 101 St
Today is the first anniversary of Edmonton city council's declaring us a Vision Zero city. Vision Zero commits its declarers to working towards a city that has zero traffic fatalities and zero serious injuries. To my ear, the year has been filled with the sound of nothing from politicians, with the exception of Councillor Scott McKeen. I see a lot of bus ads telling road users to respect each other and telling pedestrians to wear lit clothing. I am not a Vision Zero expert. I just thought we would see a little more creativity. Maybe year 2 will deliver that. Meanwhile, the lack of respect for pedestrians continues.

Date: Edmonton, September 22, 2016

Encounter: I am watching the pedestrian, slightly obscured behind the traffic barrier i the picture above,  standing on the corner of Jasper Ave and 101 St. The pedestrian is dutifully waiting for the green light before crossing east to west across 101 St. The light turns green. 

Your VisionZero question: Is the pedestrian's legal crossing of 101 St an uneventful crossing, or is the pedestrian forced to yield, while in the crosswalk, to a left-turning automobile driver? 

As always, no wagering, please. 

Here is your answer: 

Thanks for playing along.


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