Vision Zero Quiz #13

Crosswalks are where might and right intersect. That's why they are so important to watch. It's real-life democracy work.

Date: Edmonton, September 16, 2016

Encounter: I am walking in the lit crosswalk on 95A St at Grierson Hill. A pedestrian is walking toward me in the same crosswalk. There is a car to my left. 

Your VisionZero question: Does the  automobile driver in the picture above stop for the pedestrian or force the pedestrian to yield? 

As always, no wagering please.

Here is your answer. 

As always, thanks for playing along.


  1. urgh.....ONCE, just ONCE i'd like the pedestrian to actually's tough AND dangerous to be a pedestrian in this town! #yegtraffic #yegcommute #yegdeadmanwalking

    1. I'm just looking at the weight differences, and, nope, that isn't going to happen! :) I'm with you. It's tough to get the pedestrian, and the point, across. Thanks, stay safe.

    2. Pedestrians are losers.

      Just ask the City of Edmonton:


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