Vision Zero Quiz #14

I remember a hockey coach telling young players one early morning practice at Bill Hunter Arena (so early morning a practice that the stands were empty of parents) that how they practised when no one was watching was more important than how they played with everyone was. 

Date: Edmonton, September 21, 2016

Encounter: I am riding my bike westbound along 102 Ave near the old museum in Glenora. The light turns amber. I glance behind to see a pickup travelling westbound.

Your VisionZero question: Does the pickup driver, not yet visible in the picture above, slow down for the looming red, or gun it and blow through the light? 

Your VisionZero bonus question: Does the pickup driver manage to stay in his lane? 

As always, no wagering, please. 

Here is your answer: 

Thanks for playing along. 


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