Three Things from Edmonton podcast - Episode 64: help from above, here and there, help from below
The idea with the Three Things podcast is to isolate three things from my little life that delivered some happiness or gratitude each week. Here is episode 64:
1. Help from above
Arkansas is down 45-35. A Razorback puts up a shot. It hits the rim, the ball bounces up...and doesn’t come down. For a split second, my senses deliver a world where gravity is not a thing. Suddenly, I am worldless. What has happened is the ball has come to rest on the narrow ridge on the top of the backboard. And there it sits. Like the mischief emoji. Until, unexpectedly, an Arkansas cheerleader and teammate rise to the occasion. He lifts her slowly up, up, up until she can flick the ball free. Six, six-and-a-half and seven foot tall basketball demigods stare up in wonder at this new 10-foot-tall creature that, apparently, just wants the contest below to continue, according to the remarkable as the players down there are given to know it.
2. Here and there
3. Help from below
“Oh, hello, little tree,” I said as I trudged up the slope of the MacKinnon Ravine to where the seedling we had transplanted last year was, yes, like a periscope, peering out of what’s left of the tired snow. It had survived, taken root, looked strong, was still green. I realized at that moment how much I had riding on the little evergreen.
Evergreen content refers to those stories that have a long shelf life. Like the jarred chicken at my great-grandparents’ farm. Evergreen content is immune to the decay of attention over time. Sports, news headlines, celebrity gossip, today’s weather—all that stuff that’s here today and gone later today is not evergreen. Stories of what went wrong and why, stirring quotations, how-to guides, these are the types of categories of content that remain fresh. The longer I looked at that little seedling, the less it looked like an exclamation mark and more a question mark of spring. It interrogated me, and the subject was evergreen-ness—mine, not its.
Here’s the challenge: as I observe the spring, its honkings, lightenings, drippings, flowings, buddings, bloomings and birthings, as linear, mortal me witnesses the circle of nature’s immortality from a patch of sunny slope in the MacKinnon Ravine in Edmonton, what is my reply? How do I do the work of renewal? How frequently? What are my tools? What am I pushing up against? How do I get to the evergreen I can?
As I awaited answers to those questions, I thanked the little tree for the pointers, and headed back up the hill. Thanks, friends for being there.
Three Things from Edmonton, episode 64.
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