Vision Zero Quiz #12
It's a lottery win to get through crosswalks safely in Edmonton. Today's life-and-death game features a lit pedestrian walk light and two automobile drivers who have to figure out what a red light means in real time. Date : Edmonton, August 22, 2016 Encounter: I have pushed the crosswalk light on 135 St that stops traffic east and west along 102 Ave. The little lit man tells me I have the right of way. But a big man behind a revving engine tells me I should think twice about stepping out. Your VisionZero question : Which automobile driver in the picture above obeys the traffic laws? As always, no wagering please. Here is your answer: One more VisionZero question : Which insurance company has enough risk appetite to cover that driver? Okay, one more : How do VisionZero ads on the back of buses stop this driver? Thanks for playing along.