The MacKinnon Ravine Smooch Cam
My boss doesn't read my blog, so I can comfortably reveal that I am never in a hurry to get to work. Okay, that's not quite true. Not the part about not reading my blog, because I don't think she does. And that's okay. I mean the part about not being in rush to get to work. I ride a bicycle. So, it's definitionally difficult to rush to work. If I really put my legs and lungs to the task and get lucky with the traffic lights and nothing strange like a cement truck happens to me, then, maybe, I can shave a couple of minutes off my commute time, tops. That's what I mean by not being in a rush to get to work. I do leave early to compensate, though. (That's in case she reads this one.) All of this is to say that instead of ringing my bell and requesting-forcing passage by the dog-walking couple in front of me this morning on the MacKinnon Ravine bridge, I hung back, pedalled slowly, looked east to the downtown skyline, west up the spruce-lined valley, ...